InterTradeIreland & British Business Bank sponsor new women angel investors


Thanks to a valued partnership with InterTradeIreland and British Business Bank a limited number of first time women angel investors living on the island of Ireland can avail of a unique opportunity to start their angel investor journey.

AwakenAngels have been working hard over the last few years to democratise angel investing for women and in doing so remove as many barriers as possible to make it more accessible, affordable and inclusive.

AwakenAngels is groundbreaking and the first of it’s kind in Ireland enabling angel investors to invest starting from 2k as part of a syndicate. That in itself is a game changer but for a lucky group of new women angels you can apply to avail of a sponsorsed membership in your first year which includes full access to the suite of AwakenAngels community support and 9 modules of training via AwakenAcademy. There are some T&C’s of course but nothing onerous.

If you are eager to get started but don’t have any prior experience and could benefit from a lending hand and access to a community of seasoned angel investors then why not apply now and we will do our very best to accommmodate as many of you as possible.

Full details and EOI form to be completed as first step is available now.

Team AwakenAngels

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


AwakenAngels Cofounder wins Europe and UK Angel Investor 2023


How to get started in angel investing?